Fight with Spirit
Passion¸ victory¸ and friendship
Fight with Spirit is a sports drama rpg about a team growing up together and fighting for their passion. In this game¸ you'll hone your skills¸ face down rivals¸ and strive to take your team to the national championships. Along the way¸ you'll explore friendships¸ feelings¸ and the fleeting nature of your time together.
Fight with Spirit is built to tell sports stories inspired by anime such as Free¸ Run with the Wind¸ and Chihayafuru¸ as well as high school movies like Bring it On¸ and Remember the Titans.
Take your team to the top
Play a high school or college sports team battling your way through a major tournament. Your relationships¸ motivations and team will change as you grow¸ learn¸ and connect¸ on and off the court. Your team will win ultimate victory¸ or they will find defeat. But it is love¸ hope¸ and passion that are the real stakes on your journey¸ as you grow up together and share the moments until school ends.