School of Wand Mastery - a wizard arcane tradition
Now with a FREE watermarked version! click on full preview and download it from there. Buy it after you try it! :) Do you want to be a wizard but don't like books? Join the School of Wand Mastery! (we have cute pets!) Play a Wizard that relies on their mastery of the Wand to cast spells! Forget material components and hiding behind the barbarian and jump into the thick of battle by waving your wand around and shouting Lati...pardon¸ Draconic! A path for the most adventurous and dashing wizards¸ with 9 wand flourishes to choose from to enhance your spellcasting¸ battle prowess and survivability* We are always looking for new students¸ so please take a leaflet and join our classes. We should mention that there are no classes per se¸ all lessons are learned on the battlefield or on some dangerous exciting expedition¸ but didn't we already said we don't read books over here? Semantics! what's that for! *the School of Wand Mastery does not wish to make any legally binding claim towards its members survivability¸ though it wishes to minimize certain reports from sensationalist sources that they are in fact more likely to die young when compared to other Schools of Magic. More of my stuff! try this Wizard School in my adventures!