Dragonshard Sundown
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It's arcanopulp action in this Eberron Western! A pulp adventure designed for characters of 4th or 5th level. Est. playtime 6-8 hours¸ depending on your table. A saloon brawl leads to a chance encounter with Silas¸ a crossbow-slinging wanderer looking to hire. A miner-baron has seized control of a mining community and its profitable dragonshards. Along with a warforged named Doc and a kenku named Twang¸ you'll: Engage in a raucous barroom fight Battle for control of a speeding lightning rail train Defend a village against a dinosaur stampede Stand up to a greedy dragonshard industralist and his army of mercenary goons Or take his offer and kill all your new friends¸ whatever¸ I'm not your dad