Casual Confrontations 1: The Fester Lions Den (5e)
Introducing Casual Confrontations ! This product is for game masters who would like to use a more detailed encounter in place of a random encounter when the time calls for one. This series aims to showcase classic and rare creatures in a challenging and memorable encounter that your players are sure to enjoy. Over the past 50 years¸ a fester lion has been preying on hunters and adventurers traveling through this stretch of the forest. It has been hoarding it's favored food: zombies that it creates in a secluded cave. The following Casual Confrontation ¸ The Fester Lion's Den is for 4-5¸ 5 th level characters¸ and uses the 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons Ruleset. It also introduces the fester lion¸ a magical beast that preys on mindless undead that it creates! By Robert Gresham