Tikbalang: Guardians of Kalikasan (4e)
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The Buan Campaign Setting starts here! Explore Kalupaan with the Tikbalang¸ one of the most iconic creatures of Philippine Mythology. These feyborn creatures bear an affinity with the winds¸ and they protect the gateways leading to the fey realms with the subtlety of the breeze and the fury of the cyclone. Tikbalang: Guardians of Kalikasa n presents the players with a new character race - their motivations and culture¸ as well as the myths other races have regarding them.Game masters are likewise presented with three new tikbalang monsters¸ all at the lower paragon tier¸ as well as a skill challenge that can make for a memorable tikbalang encounter. This 13-page product includes the following: A fully playable character race that favors the barbarian¸ paladin¸ and warlock classes Nine tikbalang feats Two racial paragon paths Three new monsters An optional skill challenge for dealing with the tikbalangs Two new rituals that are thematically linked with the tikbalang race While it is designed for the upcoming Buan Campaign Setting ¸ this product can be adapted seamlessly to your D&D 4E Game. Edited on December 25¸ 2009: Fixed some typographical errors from the original. Edited on May 19¸ 2010: Clarified the text of Unearthly Gallop¸ and edited the racial bonuses to meet the new official standards. Edited on July 15¸ 2010: Changed the monster statblocks to the new format¸ and fixed their attack and damage values to stay on par with new official standards.