OBE: Shroudborn Multiclass: Sneak Peek (4e)
he coming of the Shroud changed the landscape of the once-frozen North utterly-and called the dead forth from their graves. But its most subtle of changes was perhaps its most profound. Babes born after the Shroud came developed odd appearances¸ evincing milky skin¸ pale eyes¸ and strange auras in even the mildest of transformations.
That would have been strange enough¸ but it soon became clear that more than just appearances had changed for these so-called shroudborn. They became creatures half a step outside of our own world¸ attuned to the call of the spirit-world¸ and at times living lives more in tune with that realm than our own.
In this sneak peek preview of the shroudborn multiclass¸ you'll get a look at the transformations that befall all those touched by the Shroud at birth-and the first level of powers developed by those who delve deep and tune their souls to the distant¸ strange song of the Shroud itself.
The Shroudborn Multiclass is coming! Enjoy this preview in the meantime¸ and look for the full version to see release the week of December 8¸ 2008.
Delve Deeper Into the Shroud!