Zif of Porphyra
The Zif- ambitious Snail-Men of the Northern Shores! The unlikely rise of the zif¸ evolved from parasites upon the bodies of the invading Great Old Ones millennia ago¸ is an issue all humanoids on Porphyra should learn¸ for two-leggers are¸ perhaps¸ not the height of development after all… Living in their shell-city of Barbledrum upon the mad shores of the Sea of Ithreia¸ in the shadow of the Reversed Lands¸ on the border of the Purple Membrance¸ the zif are comfortable and prosperous in conditions that would drive most sentients insane. With their septad system of caste and clan¸ all zif know their purpose¸ to spread the power of the zif collective to all corners of the planet- except where it is too dry or boring… Perry Fehr's Zif of Porphyra ¸ new from Purple Duck Games gives you everything you need to know about this quirky¸ aberrant race and play them as player characters. Zif of Porphyra includes: Zif racial characteristics¸ ecology¸ traits¸ and alternative racial characteristics Favored class bonuses for over 40 classes 4 new racial class archetypes¸ one for each ambitious caste 10 racial feats¸ such as learning to master very useful guu ! 5 new magic items¸ and 5 new spells! Typical zif adventurers and a neat new sample character at 6 th level! So expand your horizons and try the arcane¸ eldritch mysteries of Zif of Porphyra ¸ snail-men of the Ithreian Sea¸ from the marvelous molluscs at Purple Duck Games¸ where our games are what you want!