Welcome to the Garden
A NEW AGE IS DAWNING Two thousand years ago¸ an alien race bombed the planet of Te'Sraaf back into the stone age. History refers to this event as "The Crash." After the Crash¸ humans¸ animals¸ and plants developed powers and mutations in order to survive. Beings of all kinds developed intelligence that rivaled man. New races were born¸ along with new cultures and practices. Despite the new powers¸ life upon the world never recovered its former ease or glory. Survival wasn't guaranteed. Resources were scarce. Peace seemed a luxury far too expensive to strive for... Roughly sixteen years ago¸ the psychically sensitive started predicting that a new age was dawning. That heroes would be born unto the world to set things right¸ and save the planet from annihilation. Will you and your friends be those heroes? Welcome to the Garden is a Campaign setting designed for use with the After the Crash adaption of the 5E rules. It is a science fantasy rather than high fantasy world. Included within are the steps for making PCs suited to the world¸ details on the planet of Te'Sraaf¸ and the introductory module: Adventures in Shepherding. Included is a new race and new Backgrounds tailored to the Welcome to the Garden setting and campaign.