Ultimate Combat Tracker for Dungeons and Dragons (5e)
Having Excel or Open Office at the gaming table can be a great way to keep track of combat when and while it is happening. We have created a simple but highly effective combat tracking system. We suggest you save it as a template (File included) so that each combat can be opened by name rather than shuffling through spreadsheets. Never used Excel? This takes 99% of the guesswork out of it. What is included? Full spreadsheet¸ unlocked and customizable if need be but it works out of the box. Excel and Open Office files included Template files included for Excel and Open Office A variables sheet¸ update this with character names to use the initiative tracker What can this do for your game? Easy to use dropdown for initiative Insert beforehand attacks¸ damage¸ Max HP¸ and anything else you need to know about your bad guys¸ When a monster takes damage just use a - sign and the amount of damage and it will automatically subtract from the current HP. If it heals just put a number in with no symbol and it will adjust. (Just hit enter after any number insertion. If something ends in a round just type it into the rounds note box and hit enter. Check off each round as it occurs. There is even an area to make notes about this particular combat next to the round generator in case something happens on a particular round. Two conditions can be dropped down per monster to show what condition is affecting them. Room for 10 monsters per sheet¸ you can add even more just by copy and paste. This was created to make our lives easier when running games and we decided to share it with anyone who might need it. We appreciate cups of coffee if you are so inclined but most important to us is feedback. Happy Gaming!