Trouble in Darkore Mine
The sleepy little town of Stephen's Forest is a quiet place; originally founded as a mining town. Recently¸ farms from around town have had troubles¸ losing sheep and cattle. A hunter in the woods was killed by unknown attackers. A local retired ranger¸ Janice Beestinger¸ investigated the crime and tracked the attackers back towards Darkore Mine before being chased away by a flight of arrows. The people of Stephen's Forest are not fighters¸ so the town's defacto mayor¸ a pragmatic half-orc named Darko Jacinther has hired you to protect the town and eliminate whatever threat has taken root. Trouble in Darkore Mine is a D&D module designed for use with the DM Helper application. It is a one-shot adventure designed for 4-6 level 2 characters. The adventure is as generic as possible to be able to be integrated into almost any setting you choose. At the end of the adventure¸ some threads are actively left open for the DM to expand on further.