The Dungeon Delving Deck
Take your 5e game anywhere and help prisoners find heroes. The Dungeon Delving Deck provides an amazing amount of help running 5e games: A regular card deck (Ace-King and Joker for each Suit) provides dice rolls for d4¸ d6¸ d8¸ d10¸ d12 and d20 geomorphs for designing your own dungeon spell and conditions reference for 5e But buying The Dungeon Delving Deck helps others too… Prisoners Need Heroes Roleplaying can be a great way to explore problem-solving¸ ethical behavior and heroic expectations. That means it can be an important part of the rehabilitation process for prisoners. But playing in prison can be tough… dice are usually forbidden so other randomizers have to be used. A regular deck of playing cards can be used¸ but has some limitations when you're trying to generate all the numbers needed for most RPGs. But what else could I add other than dice results? What about spell and condition references...? The spells are some of the most common low level spells¸ especially suited for Clerics and Wizards. What about the backs? I thought that a great idea for the backs would be dungeon geomorphs... i.e tiles that you can fit together to make dungeon layouts. For the dice cards¸ it's important that you can't tell what the face of the card is by the back (for example¸ if you're using the cards to play a regular game of poker). So each card has one of two layouts and they're distributed in a random way so that you can't tell anything about the card values. But the cards that don't have dice can be special. So they're an assortment of 'point of interest' tiles that you can use in the dungeon layout. Hmmm... what about folks who aren't in prison? Yeah. So once I figured out all the things I could do with the cards they seemed pretty neat. Maybe something that folks would want to use in home games¸ or as a planning tool. I even realized that if you made the size right¸ you could use building blocks as character/monster tokens: So I decided to open things up for everyone. And I also decided that by doing that¸ it might help out my plans to get these decks to prisoners. When you buy The Dungeon Delving Deck ¸ a portion of the proceeds will go to producing Decks to be donated to prisons across the United States.