Side Quests 6: The Secret Tomb
The town of Wawold has seen better days. The town is a labyrinth of winding¸ narrow streets and dark alleys. It was once a thriving metropolis centered in a vast web like trading network until the gods intervened. The city had become decadent in its wealth and power. The money it accumulated through trade and business fed more than greed. It fed hubris. This vainglorious pride fueled discontent with the rule of the gods and their priests. Heresy¸ blasphemy and outright disrespect towards the gods made those immortal and inscrutable beings angry. In their anger the gods struck down a city numbering in the tens of thousands of souls. Famine¸ plague¸ fires¸ blindness¸ deafness and sudden horrifying deaths ravaged the city for weeks. The City was laid to ruin and became a pariah. Those who sought reconciliation with the gods made their way to Wawold. Undead currently roam the old city by night making forcing the occupied portion of the city to create a defensive wall with heavily reinforced gates between the old ruins and the still occupied portions of the city. Ghosts¸ Banshees¸ Ghouls¸ Wraiths and some even say a vampire occupy the old ruins." The Side Quests pdfs provide GMs with interesting NPCs and locations to use with or against your player group. Side Quests can be interesting stops along the road or a one shot side quest if the full party isn't present for the evening of gaming. The pdf provides a brief description of a Town including a tavern¸ meals and costs¸ patrons and some rumors¸ town goings on¸ any stores¸ brothels or other significant places of interest in town as well as a short adventure or dungeon crawl to fill a evening or two of gaming.