Racial Profiles Expanded: Hungry Souls
Racial Profiles: Hungry Souls introduces the following new races for players of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! First¸ the girran¸ an ogre-like race of hermetic gluttons who's lives revolve around the acquiring and eating of food. Second¸ the luxo¸ a monastic race of elephantine humanoids¸ patient and disciplined in all things. Gentle giants¸ they live in the mountains where they look to the stars for guidance. and last but by no means least¸ mouselings! They're cute¸ short¸ and carry a dark secret. These fey-like creatures are curious and mischievous¸ but when severely injured¸ a dark rage comes upon them and they transform into a something terrifying! Additionally¸ new classes take the consumption of food¸ souls¸ and spells to new heights¸ giving you new options to expand your campaigns¸ and a host of new magic items and spells for you to play with. This book includes: Three new PC races: girrans¸ luxo¸ and mouselings Three new classes: the gourmand¸ mystic savant¸ and vorpal knight 49 new feats 8 new weapons¸ 2 new armors¸ 3 new pieces of equipment¸ and 2 new special materials MANY new magic items¸ including 1 new armor¸ 11 new weapons¸ 16 new weapon special qualities¸ and 8 new wondrous items 19 new spells