Races of NeoExodus: Kalisan (5e)
Calibans are pale-white humanoid creatures native to northern Exodus. Over time¸ many calibans have migrated to other parts of Exodus and are now found in almost every region. Calibans have a well-deserved reputation for cannibalism and savagery. The kalisans are the most civilized of the calibans¸ but the two cousins are physically indistinguishable. Even so¸ calibans can distinguish one another. Quite feral¸ calibans are often less suited to being player characters¸ but the kalisans are well adapted. This sourcebook gives you everything you need to use the Kalisan in the NeoExodus Campaign Setting as PC. Races of NeoExodus: Kalisan includes: History of the Kalisan Personality¸ Physical Description¸ Relations¸ Alignment¸ Religion¸ Language¸ and Names Kalisan Traits and Racial Subtypes