Maps Your Party Will Die For
Laidback DM's Maps Your Party Will Die For is a collection of 24 hand-drawn¸ gridded¸ full-color maps with Adventure Seeds¸ complete with a section on designing your own dungeons. When I'm DM'ing (or GM'ing - let's be fair¸ it's not all about the world's most popular tabletop role playing game all the time¸ is it?) I like to have a few maps on hand for when the players go off course¸ or just in case I haven't been able to prepare an adventure for a session. With that in mind¸ here's a bunch of full color maps and Adventure Seeds¸ so that you can whip together an improvised play session on the spot¸ or prepare one before your game. Each map has a page for ''GM notes''¸ for use before or during play - it's your book¸ why not write in it? These maps are system-neutral and can be used with any fantasy game.