Find the Elves!
An ancient forest stands on the border between worlds. For generations¸ it was revered by us and them¸ until they were chased away¸ cut off by a god wearing human flesh. Now¸ the forest is dying and the cycle of rebirth is broken... Players are called to adventure by rumors spread by those that have witnessed the terrible decay and the closing of the Dreaming Tower deep in the woodlands. Elves are gone¸ and they must be found! Find the Elves! is an experimental campaign framework¸ living somewhere between fifth edition and OSR aesthetically¸ but system agnostic in spirit. It's a setting and toolset at the same time¸ offering an easy-to-follow structure¸ adaptable to any number of game sessions. Featuring: Fully modular geography¸ with interchangeable conflicts¸ locations¸ and NPCs predefined. Non-linear progression model¸ both within the overall campaign and individual adventure scenarios. Ancient fey architecture¸ sacred geometries¸ deep woods¸ inhuman horrors! Find the Elves! shares the game world with Temple of Old Faith.