Fantastic Ideas for Curious Items
Welcome to Fantastical Ideas for Curious Items. This book contains 60 different item-themed ideas that can be added to any story-based scenario. Whether magical or simply odd¸ these items can spice up the group's inventory or lead to a story all its own. You can even combine the items ideas together to form quirky combos or complex mysteries for the players to investigate. All items have a suggested adventure attached to them in case you want to keep your adventurers on their toes! Each item has a measurement for Magic and Value ¸ indicating how powerful and how desired it is. There are also two random tables to roll based on the potency of their Magic or Value. Anything in the High-Very High spectrum is either greatly desired by certain creatures¸ very powerful or both and is sure to cause a stir. But any item can be useful if applied creatively.