Bravo Hybrid Class
When You Just Have to be a Massive Jerk Rogues steal¸ fighters fight and folks cry either way when their work's done. A bravo is a bully who skips all the pleasantries and training that a fighter might have and just kicks ‘em right in the unmentionables. Sure he's not as nimble or skilled as a rogue¸ but who is? A bravo is a combat-focused thief who specializes in fighting dirty and sending a message. The Bravo's main class feature allows you to "cheat" (in a manner of speaking) while still remaining true to its parent classes: Rogue & Fighter ! Also included is the Pirate Archetype for the Bravo. Technical Page Count: 10 (1 cover¸ 1 credit¸ 1 OGL¸ 7 content) Optimized: PDF Bookmarked: Yes