Alternate Paths: Primal Characters
Take Your Game To The Next Level! Introducing "Alternate Paths: Primal Characters". This book is designed with the very experienced player in mind as it presents alternate rules and classes that are more suited to their needs. Overview: Civilized vs uncivilized subsystem characters A super simple chaotic monk archetype (the "wild ascetic") A section on how to do environmental encounters ("man vs nature") A section on how to use different types of enemies in a primal style game as well as some narrative hooks and suggested enemy types for them. A pantheon of gods worshiped by animals and rules for humanoid species to worship them. 11 new general feats and 5 class specific support feats. There are also 12 additional racial feats spread across the racial section for a grand total of 28 new feats! New Base Classes: Automancer: A very primal "muscle mage" that has Strength based 6-level casting¸ a unique precasting mechanic¸ the ability to cast "fist"¸ and so much more! They are medium BAB (+15) but end up hitting like a front line character due to some of their mechanics. Warmonger: A totemic tribal warleader who forms a sort of limited spiritual hivemind called a " pahg " that grants bonuses to allies¸ can invite totems of psychological aspects (ego¸ anima/animus¸ panic¸ etc) into their group. They stand up as solid martial characters in their own right as well with a unique suite of "triumphs" that are granted to the warmonger himself. Elemental Host: Psychic warrior-shamans who have merged their spirit with primal forces. They are often shadowed by their bonded spirit or have them cohabitate in their body until times of great need. They can even "fuse" with their elemental spirit- gaining tremendous power. They are full BAB¸ 4-level¸ casters with a lot of fun blasting options in there too.