Playbook: The Spider (PBtA)
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Dungeon World is filled with all manner of strange and horrible monsters: marauding orcs¸ moldering skeletons¸ shambling zombies¸ chimeric owlbears¸ sinister demons¸ towering giants¸ fire-breathing dragons¸ and more.
Like spiders.
No¸ not your normal¸ run of the mill arachnid that can be easily dispatched with a shoe or broom. We're talking the size of a dog¸ maybe even a man¸ capable of weaving webs stronger than steel¸ and a body capable of deflecting sword blows.
Like you.
Why have you scuttled forth from the dark¸ foreboding forests? Why do you travel with these pale¸ soft creatures? Would it not be more satisfying to truss them up¸ and let them marinate with terror before slurping up their insides¸ leaving only dessicated husks?
Well¸ maybe. Time will tell.
Behold the amazing - and terrifying - spider!
Do everything a spider can: spin webs of any size¸ crawl on walls¸ bind creatures in webbing so that you can more easily inject debilitating venom or digestive juices into them and slurp up their tasty¸ liquefied innards that you do so crave¸ because Dungeon World can be a cruel¸ horrible place sometimes.
The first pdf is a digest-sized document that gives you everything you need to torment both monsters and your own party members (ie¸ the playbook)¸ as well as the spider trickster compendium class (with guidelines on going with a trickster spirit archetype)¸ guidelines on reskinning the spider as a drider¸ ettercap¸ or tsuchigomo¸ and an explanation of some of the moves.
The second is the actual letter-sized character sheet¸ perfect for printing¸ playing¸ and keeping the rest of the party from making camp.