DoubleZero: Heist
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An adventure toolkit for DoubleZero: Modern Roleplaying
The night was dark and quiet as the team assembled outside the museum. They had spent months planning this heist¸ studying the museum's security system and developing a foolproof plan to steal the priceless diamond necklace on display. The team consisted of five individuals¸ each with their own unique set of skills that made them essential to the operation. They wore all-black outfits and carried high-tech gadgets to bypass the museum's security measures. As they made their way inside¸ they moved with precision and agility¸ avoiding detection by the guards patrolling the halls. Finally¸ they reached the exhibit room and found the necklace resting in its glass case. One team member used a laser cutter to break the case open while another disabled the alarms. With the necklace in hand¸ they made their escape¸ leaving no trace behind. It was a job well done¸ but they knew they had to act fast before the authorities caught up with them.
A heist story involves a group of skilled individuals planning and executing a complex robbery or theft. The setting often includes high-stakes action¸ suspenseful twists¸ and intricate scheming. The genre can be adapted to create a modern tabletop roleplaying setting by setting up a heist as the central narrative for the player characters to navigate. The player characters take on the roles of skilled individuals with unique abilities and specialties and work together to plan and execute a successful heist while avoiding detection and overcoming obstacles. The heist could be set in a variety of locations¸ from a high-security museum to a futuristic bank or an underground vault. The tabletop roleplaying adventure can provide a collaborative and immersive experience that allows player characters to use their creativity and strategic thinking to outsmart their opponents and pull off the ultimate heist.
This book includes:
Adventure Prep: Elements you'll to run DoubleZero: Heist adventures. This chapter covers the premise¸ goals¸ obstacles¸ and stakes¸ and includes a selection of plot hooks to get you started. Act I: Establishing the premise of the adventures¸ introducing the characters¸ setting the goal¸ creating conflict¸ and setting the stage for action. Act II: The heist begins! All of the obstacles¸ consequences¸ betrayals¸ and clues come together as the characters prepare to pull off the big job. Act III: The final showdown¸ with escapes¸ double-crosses¸ big surprise reveals¸ and the epilogue after the heist is over and the characters evaluate their success or failure. Plot Hooks: Ten plot hooks for potential heist adventures¸ adaptable to the three-act structure and ensuring replayability for this type of DoubleZero adventure. Antagonists: The characters working against the player characters¸ including their aims and goals¸ how they're structured¸ their capabilities¸ and a selection of important individuals. Supporting Roles: A selection of side characters that can help or hinder the player characters as they work to plan and eventually pull off their big score. Worldbuilding: How to utilize and develop the setting elements you'll need to successfully run DoubleZero: Heist¸ including the genre¸ setting¸ theme¸ and tone. Player Characters: Information on the types of player characters¸ antagonists¸ and supporting characters most appropriate for DoubleZero: Heist. Systems: The Mastermind¸ a criminal genius¸ expert planner¸ and heist organizer profession.
A copy of DoubleZero: Modern Roleplaying is needed to play.
Why a Toolkit?
Roleplaying is a creative and collaborative activity. A large portion of the joy it brings is from making up the things that add to the experience. The reason DoubleZero: Heist is a toolkit and not a highly developed setting with tons of worldbuilding details is so there's room left for your imagination. While it can be cool to read setting guides that cover everything down to the last detail¸ in play it can box you in and make you feel that your own ideas don't fit or aren't valid. The goal is to give you as much as you need to get started¸ then step aside.
Content Warnings
Here is a list of potential content warnings that might be relevant to a heist adventure:
Alcohol: The adventure may contain depictions of drinking or references to alcohol abuse. Betrayal: The adventure may contain instances of double-crossing or other types of deception. Gambling: The adventure may contain depictions or references to adventures of chance or betting. Kidnapping: The adventure may contain abductions or unlawful confinement of individuals. Language: The adventure may contain strong or explicit language¸ including slurs or profanity. Racism: The adventure may contain depictions of discrimination or prejudice based on race. Sexual Content: The adventure may contain references to sexual situations or innuendo. Theft: The adventure will almost certainly contain acts of stealing or breaking and entering. Trauma: The adventure may contain depictions of mental health issues or trauma. Violence: The adventure may contain depictions of physical harm¸ fighting¸ or injury.
The DoubleZero System is a tabletop roleplaying toolkit. First designed for action¸ espionage¸ and thriller adventures¸ the skill-driven tabletop roleplaying system is perfect for mysteries¸ police procedurals¸ and crime dramas based on your favorite television series¸ movies¸ and novels. DoubleZero works with any "realistic” modern setting that doesn't lean into magic¸ the supernatural¸ or superpowers.
Lightspress Media is a tabletop roleplaying company with a lo-fi approach. Utility of content takes precedence over ostentatious production value. Graphic elements should enhance the message of the text¸ not act as page filler and eye candy. Physical books need to be compact¸ portable¸ and sturdy. This minimalist aesthetic results in powerful toolkits that are both useful and affordable. After all¸ tabletop roleplaying isn't the book. It's the creativity and collaboration that takes place around the tabletop.