Rascals¸ Varmints¸ & Critters 1
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At least that"s what all those guidebooks from Back East tell you¸ if you"re silly enough to buy them. Of course¸ most of those tinhorns haven"t ever set foot in the Weird WestTM. Round these parts¸ you"re lucky if the critter breathing down your neck actually has to draw breath¸ much less has blood flowing through whatever it"s using for a heart. If you"re clever enough to pick up Rascals¸ Varmints & Critters¸ though¸ that"s not your problem. This book has got everything you"d ever want to know about over 50 kinds of things you"d maybe rather not run into on a moonless night (or any other time¸ for that matter). The smartest folks wandering the Weird West never get far without reading the pages of this well-traveled tome. Other folks¸ well¸ we usually don"t hear too much from the dead¸ although these days you never can tell. The most special thing about Rascals¸ Varmints & Critters¸ of course¸ is who wrote it: our fans. There are some twisted imaginations out there¸ and we"v managed to wrestle those idaes between two covers to share with the world. There"s all sorts of other stuff too¸ like rules for animal sidekicks¸ new facts on undead¸ and dozens of adventure hooks to get the Marshal"s mind spinning. Just pray that next critter bleeds!
The world of Deadlands: the Weird West Is populated by desperadoes¸ abominations¸ and strange critters of all sorts. This terrible tome details scores of 'em. Even better¸ most of the critters in this book were written up by our fans!