The Wanderer's Chronicles: Mind Lords of the Last Sea (Expanded & Revised)
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Sourcebook mit Infos zum hidden valley¸ dem Last sea und allen Kreaturen und Einwohnern der Region. Enthält desweiteren eine genaue Beschreibung der Stadt Saragar¸ der Mind Lords und neuer Monster und Ausrüstung - 32 seitiges Abentuerbuch - eine farbige Posterkarte der Region
Beyond the Scorched Plateau¸ across the Burning Plains¸ in the shadow of the Thunder Mountains¸ the largest body of water beneath the crimson sun sparkles like a desert mirage. But the place is real¸ for I have seen it. I felt the cool spray on my skin¸ tasted the salt mist on my lips. It is the Last Sea¸ a remnant of a long-lost age hidden far to the north of Tyr.... -From The Wanderer's Journal The Last Sea¸ a huge body of cool water¸ remains locked in time¸ a manisfestation of the Green Age that survives to the current Athasian era. Here¸ people live in safety and peace - as long as they follow the laws set forth by the ancient¸ immortal Mind Lords who rule over them. Mind Lords of the Last Sea details the environs and societies living in a hidden valley hundreds of miles north of the Tyr Region. On the shores of the largest known body of water on Athas¸ the ancient city of Saragar rises like a temple to the Green Age¸ and the Triune Mind Lords hold sway over all with their powerful psionic abilities. This accessory is the second in a series of 'Wanderer's Chronicles' that explores the new areas of Athas. It features: A 96-page sourcebook that details the hidden valley¸ the Last Sea¸ and all the creatures and intelligent races that inhabit the region - as well as a comprehensive look at the Mind Lords and their great city¸ Saragar. This sourcebook also includes new monsters¸ new rules¸ and new equipment specific to this new region. A 32-page adventure book that provides a ready-to-play adventure set in Saragar and around the Last Sea. A full-color¸ poster-sized map of the Last Sea region complete with plenty of exciting new locations to explore. By the Last Sea¸ the danger is all in your mind...