Exodus: The Saurian Sourcebook
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Wird mit zwei unterschiedlichen Covern verkauft¸ es hat aber jeweils den gleichen Inhalt.
Inside Exodus: The Saurian Sourcebook¸ you will find: Details on the history¸ culture¸ biology and psychology of the Saurians. Overviews of the eight major ancient Saurian clans¸ and the four active on Earth today. Full descriptions and game stats for a wide variety of Saurian advanced technolofy. A rogue group of Saurians¸ the Dreamspeakers¸ that may be used as allies. or as potential new recruits for any Aegis Cell. A review of current Aegis knowledge about the Saurians. An espionage mission attemtping to root out a hidden threat to mankind.