Ghost Stories
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Zahlreiche Kämpfer sind gefallen¸ um der Schreckensherrschaft von Wu-Feng¸ dem Herrn der Neun Höllen¸ Einhalt zu gebieten.Die Bestattungsurne mit seiner Asche wurde auf dem Friedhof eines kleinen Dorfes im Reich der Mitte verborgen. Jahre gingen ins Land¸ Generation folgte auf Generation und das Wissen um das verfluchte Erbe wurde von den Lebenden vergessen. Der in der Unterwelt gefangene Wu-Feng hat hingegen nichts vergessen. Seine ruhelosen Nachforschungen haben ihm den Aufbewahrungsort der Urne enthüllt¸ mit deren Hilfe er wieder ins Leben zurückkehren kann. Der Schatten seiner Inkarnation greift bereits nach den Dorfbewohnern¸ die nicht ahnen¸ dass sie in höchster Gefahr schweben.Glücklicherweise halten die Fat-Si¸ die taoistischen Mönche¸ Wache. Sie sichern die Grenze zischen dem Reich der Toten und dem der Lebenden. Bewaffnet mit ihrem Mut¸ ihrem Glauben und ihrer Kraft versuchen sie¸ die Inkarnation von Wu-Feng zurück in die Verdammnis zu schicken¸ aus der sie kommt.
I see you. You go about your life like nothing ever happened. You think you're safe now that it's done¸ like a problem that you've solved once and for all. You're wrong. I remember what you did. You might have killed me¸ but I'm not gone. I stayed behind... and I won't go until you've paid.
Ghost Stories is the first supplement dedicated specifically to mortal characters in the World of Darkness. Glimpse the secrets of the supernatural in five different adventures that lead players and characters into the deepest shadows and unknown places of the brand-new setting. This is your chance to explore the hidden world all over again¸ using the new Storytelling System.
Death Is Not the End
"I see you. You go about your life like nothing ever happened. You think you're safe now that it's done¸ like a problem that you've solved once and for all. You're wrong. I remember what you did. You might have killed me¸ but I'm not gone. I stayed behind… and I won't go until you've paid."
A New World of Darkness Begins
Ghost Stories is the first supplement dedicated specifically to mortal characters in the World of Darkness. Glimpse the secrets of the supernatural in five different adventures that lead players and characters into the deepest shadows and unknown places of the brand-new setting. This is your chance to explore the hidden world all over again¸ using the new Storytelling System.
Note: The Black & White print editions of this book are not full-bleed. Because of printing requirements there is a small white border around the edge of the pages.
Ghost Stories is the first supplement dedicated specifically to mortal characters in the World of Darkness. Glimpse the secrets of the supernatural in five different adventures that lead players and characters into the deepest shadows and unknown places of the brand-new setting. This is your chance to explore the hidden world all over again¸ using the new Storytelling System.