Extreme Drowess Episode 21- Gracklstugh (audio product)
Welcome to EPISODE 21 of EXTREME DROWESS : An All-Girl All-Drow Adventure Through the Underdark for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition ! IN THIS EPISODE: The ladies make their way to Gracklstugh¸ where they encounter Zaevyr¸ a Drow Gunslinger in town on business for Jarlaxle... You can now get EXTREME DROWESS as a podcast on iTunes¸ Spotify¸ Anchor¸ and everywhere you download quality podcasts! Starring: VictoriBelle as Akroma Oros¸ Dragon-Blooded Sorcerer Milena Deneno as Liahana Yaeldrin¸ Nature domain Cleric of Lolth Rachel Judd as Rauvaena Dyrr¸ Paladin of Lolth Rosa Lita as Roja the Destroyer Sarah Scharnweber as Xilmys Netyoive Dungeon Master: Travis Legge