Primus (4e)
PRIMUS is the federal government's response to paranormal terrorism and crime. Like its nonsuperpowered counterpart¸ the FBI¸ PRIMUS investigates federal crimes as an arm of the Department of Justice; however¸ PRIMUS' jurisdicton only extends to dealing with federal crimes involving the paranormal or assisting other federal agencies when needed. PRIMUS can also be called in to advise and assist with local law enforcement investigations at their behest. PRIMUS is an emergency responder¸ 911 dispatch operators will contact the agency when paranormals are reported or suspected to be involved. This book contains all the information you'll ever need about PRIMUS including: Complete overview of PRIMUS and running a PRIMUS campaign. Members¸ allies and enemies of PRIMUS. Vehicles and equipment made especially for PRIMUS. A complete PRIMUS adventure full of goodies¸ baddies and uglies