The Deliverance of Reine: A 2D6 Science-Fiction Campaign Starter
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An act of violence on the besieged world of Oris sets a disparate group of wanderers on a path to heroism. When their skill at neutralizing the threat gains them their first shared job - extracting the terrorist daughter of a police captain ahead of a planned raid - they face a shocking discovery and the prospect of welcoming a new member to their fledgling band: death. The Deliverance of Reine is a one-page¸ no-frills starter adventure for Cepheus Engine¸ starring characters of varied career backgrounds. The referee should have little trouble adapting the scenario for other RPG science fiction games using a 2D6 mechanic¸ including The Original 2D6 Science Fiction Game. The adventure is designed to assemble an adventuring team for the first time while avoiding the cliché of meeting in a bar or tavern. The action literally throws the heroes together into a life-or-death situation¸ giving them a chance to make far more lasting bonds¸ while providing a coherent backstory for their party's formation.