Castles & Crusades S5 Of the Horned God's Winter
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Beyond the Inner Sea lie the high mountains of the Holmgard¸ the Roof of the World. Here the country is wild¸ and dangerous¸ sparsely settled by barbarians¸ dwarves¸ and the occasional mad wizard. It is a hard land of narrow paths¸ deep canyons¸ cliffs without purchase; a land of snow and ice that offers little comfort for those who risk her high walks. It is a land of giants¸ where giants once roosted¸ where dwarves built homes and dungeons. It is a land wholly forgotten but rich in lost treasures that echo a world long gone. It is one rich in adventure¸ filled with wealth beyond imagining and glory for those who do not fall.
Beyond the mountains lies the Gottland¸ the land without gods. This too is a land of imagined treasures¸ where giants¸ trolls¸ and gods with cloven feet have walked for countless years. Many venture here¸ but only a few realize the dream of wealth everlasting for it is a hard place of primordial violence¸ ancient magics¸ and one of the last vestiges of the Horned God's Winter.
Of the Horned God's Winter is a series of loosely connected adventures that take the characters from the sea town of Capistria¸ through the mountains and down to the Plains of Doost. Along its path¸ the characters may¸ at the CK's discretion¸ encounter rune magic¸ either for their Rune Mark or for the character wishing to become one. The 15 adventures are designed to play alone or as part of a broader campaign arc. Each adventure is written such that the enterprising CK can add their own adventures to the mix.
Of the Horned God's Winter is designed for a party of 4-6 characters of 4th-7th level. It includes overland adventures¸ sea adventures¸ dungeon¸ and castle.