Bulldogs! (Fate)
All new! Bulldogs! has been updated to Fate Core¸ with a more streamlined advancement system¸ improved gear rules¸ and faster combat to make your battles in space even more interesting. Check out the new improved Bulldogs! and get on the job!
Bored with your dead-end job? Tired of your planet-bound life?
Is your bland home world too safe for you? Maybe you owe some money to the wrong people¸ or maybe the gun just somehow went off and now you have an urgent need of a change of scenery.
TransGalaxy PanGalactic Corporation does not care about your arrest record!
Join the Class D Freight division and in exchange for a simple five-year commitment¸ you can leave all your troubles behind.
They've got the ship. You've got a pulse. Welcome to Bulldogs!
Bulldogs! is a tabletop role-playing game of interstellar action adventure. Bulldogs! is about freebooting ruffians flying from planet to planet causing trouble.
Bulldogs! is sci-fi that kicks ass.
"Not only is this an awesome game of tramp freighters and laser guns¸ it's also a really fricking sharp take on the FATE rules¸ doing fantastic things with skills¸ technology¸ and spaceships. It's got all the great stuff you need to fill a cyborg space-pirate with plasma before running an imperial blockade AND getting the girl at the same time. How can I NOT play this game?"
- Rob Donoghue¸ Spirit of the Century and FATE designer.