Leafstone and Silk
A hard winter has come and gone for the frontier town of Vosserlin. The common folk scraped by on stale pottage and frozen hearthbread¸ while the town's nobility enjoyed salted pork and hearty stews at every needless banquet. Now spring has sprung¸ and with it come the taxes of the first harvest. The townsfolk are hopeful for a light tax and good business¸ but the nobility has other¸ much crueler plans in mind. Leafstone and Silk is a FREE one shot scenario that focuses on a band of errants in the Blackwood setting. As players learn the ins and outs of a Blackwood town¸ they find the commoners are one grievance away from forming an angry mob. Welcome to the world of the Blackwood¸ where danger lurks all around and help might not always be welcome. Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer's Edition is required to make full use of this scenario. This PDF uses layers for ease of printing. Thank you for visiting The Mythic Gazetteer... Your Guide to Worlds That Could Be!