The Blackwood tugs at the borders of the Elder Kingdom. Too many men and women flood the cities¸ refugees from collapsed frontier villages. In these dark times¸ some answer the Call of Errantry to take up a wanderer's life on behalf of those in need. Sometimes that means looking out for oneself. Sometimes it means giving all for others. Now you can tell the story of an errant band with your friends¸ a Blackwood one sheet¸ and this collection of character archetypes. Archetypes is a folio of six characters for the world of the Blackwood¸ each with their own unique strengths and personalities. Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer's Edition is required to make full use of this character folio. This PDF uses layers for ease of printing. Thank you for visiting The Mythic Gazetteer... Your Guide to Worlds That Could Be!