Big Bang Comics Role-Playing Game
A superhero RPG based on the series of comic books of the same name¸ a retro take-off series of many classic comics of the Golden Age and Silver Age¸ founded by Gary Carlson. It is a standalone game using a variant of the D20 System used by 3rd edition D&D called the Golden System. It uses the standard ability scores¸ levels¸ attacks and skills¸ and class mechanics -- while adding disadvantages (""Negative Feats"") that allow a bonus feat¸ as well as a large selection of 200+ new feats including various superheroic abilities. The core book includes statistics for many of the Big Bang characters -- the Blitz¸ Ultiman¸ Knight Watchman¸ Thunder Girl¸ and others -- as well as background on the universe¸ gadget rules¸ mass combat and vehicle combat rules¸ and alternate dimensions. - A description from with kind permission of John H. Kim"