Technical Readout: Prototypes
The March of Progress
The Jihad is over. A new Republic has been born. In the wake of one of humanity's greatest conflicts¸ the Inner Sphere¸ Periphery and Clans must adapt to new political and industrial realities-a new balance of power. But changes on the map are only the beginning. The Word of Blake's war has scattered a new wave of technological progress across nearly every realm¸ giving rise to a new generation of combat units. Only the sheer devastation of the relentless fighting has slowed the arms race that is sure to come… but for how long?
Technical Readout: Prototypes introduces the wave of new battle armor¸ vehicle¸ 'Mech¸ and aerospace units that debuted in the years after the birth of the Republic of the Sphere. Featuring technologies rarely seen outside the testing fields or Solaris arenas¸ these new war machines provide a peek at the new age to come as mankind faces a new century.
For use with BattleTech¸ Total Warfare¸ Tactical Operations¸ and Strategic Operations.