Technical Readout: Clan Invasion
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On 27 September 3048¸ the ComStar Explorer Corps JumpShip Outbound Light stumbled onto the Clan Homeworlds¸ setting in motion a massive invasion of the Inner Sphere by the Clans. At first sweeping all before them with their advanced technologies¸ the Clans met defeat at the Battle of Tukayyid and were stymied by a 15-year truce. With the clock ticking¸ the Inner Sphere's elite took the battle directly to the Clan Homeworlds. There¸ the destruction of Clan Smoke Jaguar and the defeat of the Clans in the Great Refusal ended the invasion.
In their absence¸ political machinations continued across the Inner Sphere. As the victorious forces returned home¸ the mighty Federated Commonwealth tore itself apart in a titanic Civil War spanning a thousand light years as Houses Davion and Steiner pitted brother against sister. These large-scale conflicts accelerated technical advancements¸ as a new generation of BattleMechs and weapons appeared on a hundred worlds of conflict.
Technical Readout: Clan Invasion
builds on Technical Readout: Succession Wars with 'Mechs previously found in Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade ¸ Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade ¸ Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade ¸ Technical Readout: 3060 ¸ and Technical Readout: 3067 . This volume features some of the most common 'Mechs from the Clan Invasion and Civil War Eras¸ each illustrated in detail and accompanied by a description of its history¸ capabilities¸ and game stats¸ along with their most famous pilots.