Open Beta - Alpha Strike Point Value System
BattleTech: Open Beta - Alpha Strike Point Value System contains 3 files:
Beta - Alpha Strike Point Value System.pdf: This PDF contains the beta rules for unit point calculation.
PV Test 2014-02-13.xlsx: Spreadsheet contains full stats for nearly all BattleTech units for Alpha Strike¸ along with new point values derived by excel formulas.
New Point Values.xlsx: As above¸ but only containing unit names¸ their type¸ and new point value (no macros or formulas)
Alpha Strike is a new¸ fast-playing form of the BattleTech game of futuristic¸ armored combat. Developed for the modern tabletop miniatures wargamer¸ this book brings players the ability to wage war on land¸ sea¸ and air using the Quick-Strike game system first devised for truly large-scale play¸ re-scaled to the tactical level of "classic" BattleTech.