Galactic Underground 3
Galactic Underground 3von SSDC Inc ist ein neues Spieler-Quellenbuch für Battle Lords of the 23rd Century. Der Band enthält Erweiterungen und Hintergrundinformationen zum Battlelords-Universum. (104 Seiten¸ 18 Euro¸ SC) 'Descriptions of the top 50 Alliance Corporations and details on workin' for The Man * Join Now! Learn what it's like to join the Alliance military or enter the secret world of Galactic X * Race specific 'I Was Just Growing Up' Tables; nearly 1¸000 random anecdotes to flesh out your new character * New matrices for Ikrini Geomancers¸ Jezzadeic Priests¸ and Sye-Men player character races...' [Quelle: Aaron Thies¸]
The Galactic Underground 3 contains 'I Was Just Growing Up' tables for all the races in the Battlelords book¸ and all the supplements¸ information on mega-corps¸ information for PCs who want to adventure as part of the Alliance military¸ Galactic Control¸ expanded information and matrices for the Ikrini¸ Gemini¸ and Jezzedaic.