Terror (BRP)
During the Reign of Joseph Stalin
Terror is a one-session scenario for Call of Cthulhu set in the Soviet Union during the reign of Joseph Stalin. It begins in February 1932 and is centered in the frozen city of Moscow.
Terror is designed to emphasize the atmosphere of Stalinist Russia¸ and to pit the investigators against each other within an environment of paranoia.
The scenario was originally run as part of the Cthulhu Masters Tournament at GenCon¸ and was revised for publication. This scenario references the fifth edition of the Call of Cthulhu rules.
MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ASSOCIATION monographs are longer works by one or more authors on a subject of import to Call of Cthulhu roleplayers. On these products the author has also fulfilled the functions of editor and layout artist; we at Chaosium have done little in the way of editorial. We found these works compelling and thought that you would enjoy them.Through the publication of monographs we can offer our most loyal fans more information more easily¸ and evaluate the potential of these works for eventual release to the wholesale market.