DunJon eZine (Issue #54)
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Perhaps the World's finest fantasy art and cosplay magazine.
Dozens of printable poster/print quality images¸ plus random riddles¸ magic items. dungeon annd city maps. Plus a Unique ancient artifact suitable for most role playing game systems. DunJon Fantasy Femme Fatale eZine as it names suggests is fantasy art magazine that primarily focuses upon femme fatales. (Beautiful¸ yet dangerous women.) It is also a print collection. (All buyers of this pdf may print images for personal use.) It is also a Stock Art Catalog¸ all images in this and other DunJon eZines are up for sale. (Those who want to buy a professional license agreement may purchase HD images to make book/album/game covers¸ posters¸ and/or calendars see license agreement section of this eZine for pricing and options. )
This well-book marked¸ fantasy art eZine features images of beautiful women dressed in interesting¸ often sexy outfits in exotic locations doing amazing things. (Think Super heroines¸ Steam Punk Fatales¸ Tomb Raiders¸ Zombies Killers¸ Chain Mail Bikini Warriors¸ Vampires and more!) Other fantasy style images such as dragons¸ monsters¸ male heroes/villains¸ and otherwise interesting images have also been included. These images are presented in variety of styles¸ that include pure photography¸ Infrared photography¸ Surrealistic glow¸ and/or comic style dark lined impressionism.
This eZine contains dozens of printable 8.5x 11 images¸ plus bonus material to entertain and amaze you.
All issues now on sale!
*SSD products & DunJon eZine are published by a Disabled Veteran. All Models have been fairly Compensated for their time and effort. No Trees¸ Animals¸ Dragons¸ Cities or Classic Automobiles were harmed in the creation of this eZine.