The PSI Corps (1e)
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Telepathy is fundamentally communication - a bridging of thoughts¸ a direct link between minds. Civilisation is built on communication; telepathy is the most recent link in a chain that began with cave paintings and primitive grunts and gestures. Each new medium of communication brings upheaval in society. The printing press¸ the telephone¸ tachyon transmission and all the rest all wrought change¸ engendered fear and confusion before they were understood and seen by society as necessary steps in evolution.
"The Psi Corps is a bridge to the future. As the past century has shown¸ the changes needed to assimilate telepathy into human society are difficult and painful. The Psi Corps holds telepathy in trust¸ protecting it from abuse and finding the best possible path for it. It is a necessary step as we take our place in the galaxy.
"The motto of the Psi Corps is 'Maternis¸ Paternis'- the Corps is Mother¸ the Corps is Father. Telepaths live their whole lives within the Corps. Their every need is taken care of by the Corps¸ from education to housing to medical care to socialisation. Biologically¸ telepaths have parents of course¸ but from an early age¸ the Corps sees to their well-being with the infinite devotion and care of a natural parent. No telepath need ever be alone.