The Frost Giant's Gambit (5) (PBtA)
An adventure for Dungeon World
The frost giant Valkimar is sending waves of hobgoblins into the countryside to capture people for use as chess pieces on a giant chess board. When they succeed at capturing your Queen and a rival kingdom's bishop all out war between the two kingdoms becomes a real threat to the realm as each holds the other responsible.
A high stakes game of Giant's Chess awaits. Try to beat Valkimar at his own game¸ and suffer the consequences if you can't!
"It's inhabiting a sweet spot between DW minimalism and D&D module goodness! It gives the GM everything they need to run a game even if the players aren't seasoned collaborative story-gamers but leaves plenty of room to make stuff up on the fly." - Logan Howard¸ Sword Breaker zine
"This has so much replay value! I'd run this in a heartbeat." - Ray Otus¸ Plundergrounds zine