Interesting Inns (PBtA)
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he party enters an inn. Now the players will probably be expecting one of two things: finding clues to advance the plot¸ or a chance to rest and renew resources. It's all good and well¸ but sometimes these things are done with one or two dice rolls¸ just so we can get out of the inn and back into the "real" adventure. The inn is usually thought of as a place that provide a few needed services for the rest of the story¸ not as a part of the story.
In case you'd like to do a bit more with your inns - or if you need to fill in a few minutes at the start or the end of the session¸ while the party is in an inn - here are a few suggestions for interesting inns.
The ;Three Suggestions... ;series is meant to give players and GMs some ;interesting ;and roleplay-provoking ideas¸ for use in all sorts of settings. Each set of suggestions is also ;accompanied ;by a new or variant rule¸ for use in either ; Fifth Edition ;or ; Dungeon World. ;
Check out the bundles¸ all suggestions in one place: Dungeon World bundle ¸ 5e bundle