Dungeon World: From D&D to Dungeon World (PBtA)
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My how-to guide on transfering from traditional RPGs like D&D to Dungeon World¸ mainly written by a GM to a GM.
I expand on the ideas presented in the DW core book having seen many new enthusiastic players and GMs struggle to grasp the potential of DW style of gameplay.
I don't make judgement on DW being a better game than DW - it is a better game for some people¸ this is purely a question of preference.
If you have comments¸ suggestions etc you would like me to consider¸ I'm happy to respond to them in the comments and Q/A section.
Please note this is Pay What You Want with a suggested nominal price and full document as PDF preview. If you really like this and think you benefit of it¸ consider leaving a small donation! Thank you.