Devil School Jyusenkai
Fifteen years ago¸ the city of Kyoto was plunged into a dimension between Earth and Hell in preparation for a demonic invasion¸ known as Incursion D-Zero. The city was saved by the efforts of the mysterious organization Geburah¸ but not without consequences. Many born during this time have begun to develop strange powers from the magical and infernal energies present during their birth.<o:p></o:p>
Now¸ Japan faces a new threat: an invasion by the malevolent aliens called The Tiamat. The aliens' fearsome powers are more than a match for Japan's military¸ so now their only hope lies in the infernal powers of those born during the demon invasion¸ the D-Children. Geburah has been reformed and Jyusenkai High School has been commandeered and rebuilt to train them in using their powers to fight the Tiamat. In the months that it has been active¸ it has gotten a new name: Devil School Jyusenkai.
Devil School Jyusenkai is a setting for the Ani-Action Rules System. It contains basic information about the setting¸ major NPCs¸ enemies¸ and sample student characters¸ all with stats using the Ani-Action rules. it also contains new rules for using Ritual Magic¸ allowing those with the Sorcerer Advantage to use Powers that they do not possess through long¸ complex ceremonies.