Vice Squad
Over the years Paradigm City has been plagued by the worst of the worst--mad scientists¸ alien invaders¸ super-powered thugs¸ killer robots¸ gorilla gangsters¸ and more. As diverse as these villains are¸ they all have one thing in common: they are cooler than the Vice Squad. Led by Johnny Cigarette¸ the Vice Squad includes such D-list super-criminals as Timmy Too-Much-Bacon¸ Penny Slots¸ and Intra-Venus DeMilo. These hugely dysfunctional and (kinda sorta) super-powered individuals have joined together to revenge themselves on the world... or at least knock over the convenience store down the street and get some beef jerky¸ frozen burritos¸ and a few of those sandwiches that come in boxes.
This PDF gives you everything you need to insert the Vice Squad into your super-hero game¸ including stats of all seven Vice Squad members¸ plus their secret origins and backstories; the history of the Vice Squad's hidden crime lair underneath an abandoned miniature golf course¸ with descriptions of some of the notable holes; and Dumb Tables¸ including random allies¸ capers¸ and convenience store loot.
Though you can use these characters in any game world¸ with any system¸ All-Stars: Vice Squad is designed for use with All-Stars¸ the game of low-budget superheroics¸ and the QAGS rules system. Depending on the power level of your PC group¸ the Vice Squad can be used as comic relief or as the heroes' (kinda sorta) archenemies. Or you can just use the Vice Squad as PCs. If you're honest with yourself¸ you know that's what you really want to do.
All-Stars: Vice Squad is written by Steve "All-Stars" Johnson¸ Leighton "Laser Ponies" Connor¸ Josh "J.I.N.G.O." Burnett¸ and Carter "Hobomancer" Newton¸ with a cover by Jeffrey Johnson.
Be bad guys. Have more fun!