Monstrous Compendium MC08: Outer Planes Appendix (2e)
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Through portals and rifts in the fabric of reality they have arrived - the denizens of the Outer Planes! Here are 96 pages of monstrous entities from planes of all-powerful magic¸ the brightest ambassadors of good and the foulest custodians of evil. Examine beings of light who wish to stem the tides of wickedness. But examine¸ too¸ the fiends - beasts of ultimate evil locked in an endless¸ bitter Blood War! Each page is 5-hole punched and the set includes 4 dividers with awe-inspiring¸ full-color art. Leave the comfortable confines of the Prime Material Plane - the creatures of the Outer Planes await!
* Aasimon (Agathinon; Deva; Light; Planetar; Solar) * Air Sentinel * Animal Lord * Archon (Lantern; Hound; Warden; Sword; Tome) * Baatezu (Lemure; Amnizu; Cornugon; Gelugon; Pit Fiend; Nupperibo; Spinagon; Abishai; Barbazu; Erinyes; Hamatula; Osyluth) * Balaena * Bariaur * Bebilith * Bodak * Celestial Lammasu * Dragon¸ Adamantite * Einheriar * Gehreleth * Githyanki * Githzerai * Hordling * Larva * Maelephant * Marut * Mediator * Moon Dog * Mortai * Night Hag * Nightmare * Noctral * Per * Phoenix * Slaad (Red; Blue; Green; Gray; Death) * Tanarri (Babau; Chasme; Nabassu; Molydeus; Dretch; Manes; Rutterkin; Alu-Fiend; Bar-Igura; Cambion; Succubus; Balor; Glabrezu; Hezrou; Marilith; Nalfeshnee; Vrock) * Titan * Translator * Tuen-rin * Vaporighu * Warden Beast * Yugoloth (Arcanaloth; Nycaloth; Ultroloth; Dergholoth; Hydroloth; Mezzoloth; Piscoloth; Yagnoloth) * Zoveri