The War of the Worlds
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The Action! Classics: War of the Worlds book¸ by authors H.G. Wells and Christopher McGlothlin¸ M.Ed.¸ is based on the original science-fiction classic novel by H.G. Wells. The book includes both the complete text of the original novel by H.G. Wells¸ as well as a sourcebook containing information about the people¸ places and equipment found in the novel. The book also features an introduction written by science-fiction author James L. Cambias.
"The source book section includes Action! System and d20 System stats for the major characters¸ the Martians and Martian equipment¸ allowing you to incorporate The War of the Worlds into your adventure roleplaying game using the Action! System or d20 System.
The Action! Classics: War of the Worlds book¸ by authors H.G. Wells and Christopher McGlothlin¸ M.Ed.¸ is based on the original science-fiction classic novel by H.G. Wells.
The book includes both the complete text of the original novel by H.G. Wells¸ as well as a sourcebook containing information about the people¸ places and equipment found in the novel.
The book also features an introduction written by science-fiction author James L. Cambias.
The source book section includes Action! System stats for the major characters¸ the Martians¸ the weapons and yes¸ even the Martian war machines¸ allowing you to incorporate The War of the Worlds into your adventure roleplaying game using the Action! System.
The book also includes a basic set of miniatures rules. The miniatures rules will allow you to reenact fearsome battles between the Martian war machines and the British army and navy! are compatible with Monster Island: The Game of Giant Monster Combat¸ an Action! Packed game from Firefly Games.