1879 Miniatures British Forcebook
It's 1879. Do you know where your army is? The British Empire crossed through the Rabbit Hole portal into the world of the Grosvenor Land two years ago. Her Majesty's military met the Samsut earlier this year¸ who use arcane technology to bring back their dead as front-line troops. War ensued. The Samsut clearly held the upper hand. Although their railguns were easily matched by the Martini-Henry rifle¸ their skeletons and zombies could take multiple hits and keep attacking. Now the British army has a new advantage: Magic. With the opening of the portal¸ long-dormant powers have returned. Officers of the Order of Britannia Victorious bring fire and lightning to the field¸ giving the Empire its first real taste of victory since the war began. Fresh troops have arrived¸ Maoris skilled in trench warfare¸ Sepoys accustomed to fighting in dense forests and jungles¸ and Zulus who fear nothing their assegais can reach. This forcebook extends the game mechanics in the 1879 Miniatures Wargame Corebook ¸ providing rules for magician officers and artillery counter-battery fire¸ and statistics blocks for multiple weights of cannon. New vehicular rules include the breaching carrier¸ an armored personnel vehicle whose shock troops carry the W.W. Greener assault shotgun. Auxiliary troops include the Gurkhas¸ Sepoys¸ Maori¸ and Zulus. New units¸ new rules¸ new ways to win! Tally ho!